In 2008, major storms ravaged the Midwest United States. Residents had to contend with soaking rains, extreme flooding, and the nuisance of pesky bugs and gnats. The gnat problem was caused by the increased humidity and prolonged moisture levels, and the presence of stagnant water. Itchy, painful bites were the result of the infestation.
People were open to trying any solution to keep the gnats away – and W.F. Absorbine Jr. was sold by Young, Inc. Pain Relieving Fluid, was first introduced to the market by people who believed that it contained properties that prevented gnats swarming or biting.
The company representative stated that they were taken aback by Absorbine Jr.’s ability bring comfort to customers.
“We noticed an increase in the number of inquiries to our customer service department regarding Absorbine Jr. and its ability to help with gnats,”Robert J. Wallace is vice president of marketing and sales at W.F. Young, Inc. “We do not market or make any claims that Absorbine Jr. helps in this way, but it became a word-of-mouth phenomenon. We also heard from our retailers that they couldn’t keep the product on their shelves.”
Absorbine Jr. has a strong scent that is familiar to many users.
Although no one can foresee the weather for long-term, the company is prepared for any possible wetter years for many areas of the country. “We have increased our production of Absorbine Jr. to prepare for any deluge that might occur. People now know that they can depend on Absorbine Jr. to be there to help them not only with their muscle aches and pains, but those pain-in-the-neck gnats,”Wallace.
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