Talk about annoying.

You are here, trying to protect your family’s financial future. And, unlike many travel websites, you won’t be able to get an instant price quote online for your life insurance policy without providing more information than you would tell your best friend.

Even if the information is provided, it’s unlikely that you will ever know the true cost of the policy until an insurance representative calls you back.

It keeps calling you back, maybe pitching you more insurance than what you really need.

There’s a new website! www.CoverYoo.comThis is getting rave reviews — to keep the travel analogy alive — “The Of” Life Insurance“, as one trade journal stated.

This site lets you compare different types of life insurance among hundreds of companies anonymously. You can see for yourself, for instance, how much 10-year term insurance costs from $111 to $632 each year. Everything is also written in plain English and not insurance-speak.

“You feel like you’ve done your homework when you go to CoverYoo,” says Chief Technology Officer Todd Albert. “And once you see the price, it’s totally up to you whether you want to talk to an agent or not.”

It also feels like you’re doing the right thing. is a good example. While industry professionals often speak in crisis terms of the 39% Americans without life insurance, states it plainly. “odds are that you don’t need (it)”If you fall within certain categories (e.g. single and without children),

However, it also provides information about the four main life insurance policies. “Term,” “Term to Age,” “Term ROP (Return of Premium),”And “Universal Life”It helps you choose the right one for you. So, before you look at the prices, you will know among other things that:

* Term insurance is the least expensive, and a simple rule-of-thumb for choosing among five-year, 10-year, 20-year and 30-year durations is to ensure that your youngest child will be covered to age 22.

* Declining a medical exam severely limits your options.

* To figure how much coverage you really need, total all your debts (including mortgages) and 70 percent of your annual expenses for 20 years.

You may not know this, but CoverYoo is a necessity., which you may have tried, actually belongs to Allstate.