By Dan Curtin, President
Greenleaf Foods

Simple pleasures can often provide comfort during periods of change. A great burger is just one example.

COVID-19 has caused some changes to the industry, including disruptions in the animal meat sector. Meat plants closing means meat is becoming harder to find and more expensive. To curb stockpiling, some grocers have lowered the number of meat products they can sell to reduce their dependence on it.

These issues will be solved as soon as the pandemic ends. The recovery of the animal meat industry and restoration of supply chains will ensure that they do. However, right now you might be asking yourself: What are my options without meat?

Plant-based protein is now available. Made from simple ingredientsYou know this, LightlifePlant-based meats can be as nutritious and delicious as any other meat. You can also find these products at your local grocer’s store.

To be clear, I am not against the use of animal meat. We all have to address the same problem: How to feed Americans during this epidemic. However, I believe that no diet should be solely dependent on animal flesh. Lightlife is dedicated to delivering this message. plant-based proteinAll over the country, to ensure that everyone has access to the food they need.

Lightlife does not ask you to give up meat from animals. You can eat meat if you wish. We believe that you should also eat whole plants as well as plant-based proteins. We strive to offer more high-protein options for you. COVID-19 was not the only reason for the increase in plant-based protein intake. The desire for balance and variety in our diets is what drove the 44 percent of Americans to call themselves flexitarians.

Lightlife sales actually increased significantly in the first quarter 2020. Longer term, the market for plant-based meat is predicted to grow exponentially. The Good Food Institute predicts a threefold increase of American households buying plant-based protein.

Even though burgers are easy to make, it can take a lot more effort these days to create a great burger. I want to let you know that we are committed to your dinner tables. Also, your lunch table. You can also have a burger for breakfast at your breakfast table.

My pride is in the work of our production team, who works around the clock to ensure that our products are at your local grocer. We have taken extra steps to ensure their safety and health, including daily temperature checks and screenings, face covers, increased sanitation efforts, staggered start and break times, as well as social distancing whenever possible. These are in addition to the routine personal protective equipment (PPE), and sanitation procedures that our team is familiar with.

This is part of our effort to provide high-quality plant-based protein for your meals. We can all agree that a good hamburger is great, regardless of whether it is made with ground beef or other plant-based ingredients. This simple pleasure will be shared again, and I am certain of it.


1 The Food Industry Association, IRI. (2020). Understanding the plant-based food consumer.

It can be thrilling to become pregnant. There are so many things to do and so many appointments. Expectant mothers often worry about their unborn baby so much that they forget to take good care of themselves.

Experts say that prenatal vitamins are vital for both mother and child.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD, FACOG, is an obstetrician based in Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins, such as DHA, an Omega-3-fatty acid, or Folic Acid, are essential ingredients. Prenatal vitamins are important ingredients that help moms to be soon have a healthy diet. They can also aid baby’s brain, eyes and central nervous system development.

It is important to understand that not all vitamins work in the exact same way. There are alternatives. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is the inventor of the prenatal vitamin that contains egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete gold contains OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is naturally found in the eyes and brain. OmEGGa DHA can be easily absorbed and absorbed into the body. It is distributed in simpler and more efficient ways.

OB Complete gold comes in a softgel that can be taken one time daily. This comprehensive formula contains high-soluble forms of vitamins and minerals. It does not contain sugar, lactose, or gluten.

This vitamin supplement is small enough to be easily carried around in a compact package. This supplement vitamin is convenient for busy moms. It provides useful information, helps to keep track of daily dosages and discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider for a free trial.

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