Heart attacks and heart disease are two of the most common medical conditions faced by millions of patients in the United States each year. However, different diagnoses can lead to very different treatment and monitoring plans. It is crucial to understand the differences between these two conditions in order to receive appropriate treatment and long term care. This will allow you to have better outcomes and improve your quality of living.

The following is an extract from the American Heart AssociationHeart attacks occur when blood flow to your heart is severely reduced or cut off by blockages within the coronary vessels. The heart muscle is deprived of oxygen because it doesn’t have enough blood flow. The severity and extent of a heart attack depends on the amount of blockage and how long it takes to seek medical attention.

A heart attack is a sign that there are serious health issues. “failure”The condition is found in the blood supply to the heart and is known as “heart failure”It is not the same. Heart failure does not necessarily mean the heart has stopped working, despite its name. Heart failure is simply the inability of the heart to pump effectively or efficiently enough to meet the body’s demands. The American Heart Association states that heart failure is when the heart stops pumping enough oxygen and nutrients to cells. This can lead to fatigue and shortness in breath. Because the heart doesn’t pump blood around the body as fast as it should, fluid can back up into the lungs and cause pulmonary edema.

Heart failure is manageable, but it is a chronic condition that cannot be treated. Four types of heart disease are available. The severity of symptoms varies depending on how severe they are. Each stage offers therapy options that can help patients manage their disease.

A doctor might suggest lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a low-sodium diet in the initial stages of heart disease. In order to keep the heart beating efficiently, medications and an implanted device (such as a CRT device) may be necessary. CRT technology is a method to synchronize the lower chambers by sending electrical impulses uniquely programmed to stimulate each ventricle and provide optimal cardiac performance. The CardioMEM HF System is a new technology that allows doctors to monitor pressures close to the heart. These can rise weeks before fluid builds up, causing symptoms. By monitoring the pressures closely, doctors can make adjustments to medications to reduce them. This prevents hospitalizations and avoids symptoms. A left-ventricular assist device (LVAD) is an option for late stage heart failure. It’s a mechanical pump that circulates blood to help the heart function properly when it can’t.

All of these options may help with the symptoms so that patients can live fulfilling, meaningful lives. Visit this site for more information www.heartfailureanswers.com.

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Summary: Please review the Instructions of Use before you use any St. Jude Medical device. This includes a list of possible adverse events, warnings and precautions as well as a listing all indications.

Use and Indications: The CardioMEMSHF System can wirelessly measure and monitor the pulmonary artery pressure (PA) and heart rate for New York Heart Association (NYHA), Class III heart failure patients. Physicians use the hemodynamic data to manage heart failure and reduce hospitalizations.

Contraindications – The CardioMEMSHF System is not recommended for patients who cannot take dual antiplatelet and anticoagulants for at least one month following implant.

Potential Adverse Events