The age-old saying “Don’t forget to be kind” is something everyone has heard. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”What you may not realize is that Newton’s inspiring fruit also has another benefit: it can make you feel bad.

You can reduce the stress and anxiety that can lead to depression and mood swings by getting at least 30 min of exercise each day.

* Omega-3 fatty acids. This essential nutrient found in fish such as salmon and mackerel has been well researched for its mood-boosting and heart-boosting properties. It will keep you sharp. Healthy brains have higher Omega-3 levels than any other part of the body. Experts agree that two meals a week of oily fish is highly beneficial for both mental and physical health.

* Amino acids. Protein is the only food source for amino acids, an integral part of what your brain uses to regulate the four brain chemicals needed for stable moods. NuVim is a nutritional supplement that contains whey protein. It can be found in most supermarkets’ refrigerated juice section. This substance provides nine essential amino acid for the body to feel happy. Visit for more information.

* High-quality carbohydrates and fiber. Refraining from sugary, refined carbs such as those found in sodas, candy, and juices will prevent you from feeling tired and irritable. For a steady and long-lasting energy source, stick to fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, and oatmeal. A strong immune system will help you stay energized and not depend on high levels of sugar or caffeine.

* Folic Acid and B12. Although there is no definitive explanation, low levels folate and vitamin B12 have been associated with depression. For a healthy dose folate, eat whole-grain cereals and leafy greens. NuVim, which is also low-fat yogurt and shellfish, contains an entire day’s worth B12.

These are included “mood foods”Small meals or snacks are best. This will keep your metabolism up, your hunger pangs down and give you the mental boost to get through any day.