It is widely believed that the middle classes is being squeezed. However, it may not be easy to determine if this sentiment is true. Analysts believe that this view has significantly impeded market growth in the United States for the past decade.
Many potential investors in the investment world, especially those who have limited investment capital or experience, shy away from investing because of perceived risks. The percentage of Americans who invest in securities of any kind is currently at 54 percent, a decline of 13 percent from 2002.
The fact that Americans aren’t investing doesn’t mean that the money isn’t exist. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Federal Reserve estimates that there is 80.7 trillion dollars in privately held wealth in the United States. This could make the United States the largest investment bank on the planet.
This means that potential investments of hundreds of billions are still untapped. This money could be used to fuel the next wave in American growth. The economic stimulus could be sufficient to reduce the national deficit, eliminate annual Federal budget deficits, repair failing infrastructure nationwide, and provide Social Security for future generations even at lower tax rates.
“This equates to an unimaginable amount of money,”Says REGULUS CEO David Emery. “If even a small portion not now being productively invested could be deployed in support of Main Street businesses, the economic impact would be tremendous.”
Many firms face a mix of complex regulations and vague promises of fair returns. This is part of the problem. Accessible capital is a problem for many small and medium-sized businesses. Small businesses and large corporations can choose from many resources, but medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with 20 to 500 employees are more likely to struggle to attract the capital they need to grow their business.
REGULUS Corporation pledged to provide opportunities for these underserved parts of the U.S. Economy. The organization helps SMEs understand rules, regulations, and procedures such as the important JOBS Act (also known as Public Law 112-106).
REGULUS is a resource for entities that are interested in strategy and business advice. It promotes the best traditions in free-enterprise capitalism, allowing citizens to grow their wealth, which in turn helps others to build something of worth.
REGULUS has more information.