With the reopening and expansion of activities and events in person, comes the need to reevaluate how you carry the gear necessary for these activities.

Music stands have been an issue for musicians and children taking lessons in music. Some portable music stands have sharp edges that can damage instruments and poke through bags.

The Wee Stand by Noisy Clan addresses the most common problems associated with portable stands.

The Wee Stand’s sleek design and unique features are sure to please musicians on the go or parents of students who use it to transport their instruments.

Wee Stand is the brainchild of parents and musicians.

“Our kids had become experts at juggling it all – rucksacks, PE kits, instruments, music bags, and music stands – but it was always the stands that wouldn’t fit,”You can read the statements of the inventors on the company website.

“As parents and as lifelong musicians, we didn’t want anything to get in the way of our children’s joy in playing music,”They explain.

The stand’s sleek design will appeal to adult musicians. It is portable, durable, and versatile. The stand folds flat so it can be carried in a bag, backpack, or pocket.

Size is important. The Wee Stand not only weighs less than 20 ounces but it also expands from a compact, tabletop mode of 11 inch to full standing height (49 inches) with intermediate height options of 18 in, 25 in, 33.5 in, and 41 inches.

– Easy reading. The Wee Stand features sheet saver tabs that hold sheet music in place. It also includes swing-out swivel clip pairs that can accommodate multiple sheets or books.

– Always ready and steady. The Wee Stand is easy to assemble. The carbon fiber legs can be extended and retracted easily, while rubber feet keep it in place. The counterweight can be combined with a carrying strap to increase stability.

Visit noisyclan.comFor more information on the product or the company, click here kickstarter page.