Christmas hostesses and hosts often discover that Christmas trees are the centerpiece of a decorated home. You can create a fun and beautiful Christmas tree while still saving money on gifts.
First, you will need a Christmas tree. Artificial trees are a great way to get more for your dollar. Artificial trees come in many sizes, shapes, and materials. They can be easily stored for year-round use. After you’ve put up your tree, add lights to make it shine. You have the option of choosing from white or a variety colors. You can find inexpensive lights at Dollar General that will make your tree bright and beautiful.
You can decorate your tree in a specific theme (e.g., a food or candy motif) to give it a more sophisticated look. Make candy canes and popcorn by hanging Life Savers candies on fishing wire. Focus on hobbies such as traveling, gardening or sports. You can decorate a tree using memorabilia from your favorite team and the colors. Keep your tree simple by choosing one or two colors for the tree’s décor.
Decorate with your child’s favorite color. For decoration, create tissue-paper flowers. You only need to use tissue paper and pipecleaners. Instructions are available online
Hanging mementos from your year will make the tree more memorable and help you to remember the good times. You can use knick-knacks that you have collected from family vacations, party photos, favors from weddings and showers, and kids’ art and craft projects. Your tree can be decorated with holiday greeting cards left by family and friends. These trinkets can be made ornaments by attaching ornament hangers or glue to them. Your tree will be a lasting reminder of the great times shared throughout the year.
You can make origami cranes using inexpensive wrapping paper — symbols of peace and international flair. You can make paper birds of any size and look great on your tree. This is a fun project that everyone can enjoy.
You can find instructions for making many origami forms at