The movie is being filmed “Captain Phillips”It was entertaining and highlighted some of the dangers that cargo ships and fishing vessels face while crossing open oceans. The seas are getting safer thanks to modern technology.

Recently, VehSmartGlobalstar is a provider of voice and mobile data services and mobile satellite communications. Founded in 2005, Globalstar has teamed up to. Globalstar’s SmartOne is a satellite tracking device and emergency notification system that can be used to track and alert the vessel owners in Ecuador. It will make it possible for them to outfit over 4,000 Ecuadorian fishing vessels.

“Through the implementation of satellite tracking devices, fishermen will feel better protected with a great[er] level of security,”Guillermo Moran, Vice Minister of Aquaculture and Fisheries.

Fishing has been deemed one of the most dangerous occupations due to the combination of unstable elements and pirate attacks. This results in high annual costs for both the fisherman and the property. For example, in 2012 alone, Ecuadorian officials reported 184 acts in piracy against its fisherman. In 2013, the government replaced 370 stolen boat motors, and it lost seven fisherman at sea.

Ecuadorian fishermen will be able to access help at sea through the SmartOne system. SmartOne devices can be linked to Ecuador’s National Emergency Response System. The SmartOne devices are equipped with a private panic button that any boater can use to call for help.

“We are very excited to bring this life-saving technology to the fisherman of Ecuador,”Brian Story, CEO at VehSmart. “We will be delivering unprecedented peace of mind to the families of those that risk their lives and property every day at sea.”

The Ecuadorian Vice Ministry of Aquaculture and Fisheries will be able to access a wealth of information from the satellite devices about the movements of the fishing fleet. The satellite devices will allow authorities to better police overfishing and protect zones that are off limits, such as waters around the Galapagos Islands. This is one of the most bio-diverse and rich ecosystems on the planet.

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