Big Jake Music believes it sees the future of the industry and has created a unique package called Abie Flanstone. Abie Flinstone is a 19 year old European wonderwoman who is currently making waves with her distinctive sound.

New York-based indie label, Indie Music Label, has signed Flinstone recently and has high expectations for the future rising hip-hop and R&B star.

“Right now is the most exciting time ever for new labels and new artists,”Jake Shapiro is the founder of Big Jake Music. “We have every confidence that Abie has the ability and makings to be a musical force to be reckoned with,”He added.

Flinstone is originally from Southern Davao, Philippines. She gives thanks to her country with a song entitled “Love You Like Davao”Now, she calls Lommel, Belgium home. There she records and writes songs like “Have Dat”And “Aye.”

Flinstone took over the underground club scene after sending a demo late last year to Absolute P Entertainment, (Mostiko Records). “Get Outta My Way,”One featuring Kaliq Scott.

Big Jake Music’s new hip-hop artist has a 90s vibe to her lyrics but with a millenium twist.

“In an industry that can make or break you,” Shapiro said, “Abie has the potential and credentials to go far.”

Indie labels are finding success despite the poor CD sales in the music industry. They are more selective about who they sign and less cost-conscious with their marketing and promotion strategies.

Indie labels can control costs and target marketing to provide artists with the attention they need.

Seven Arts Entertainment Inc. (NASDAQ/SAPX) recently purchased the indie music label. The company now believes that it can focus on the up-and-coming artists like Flinstone, and has the backing of Seven Arts Entertainment Inc.

Visit Flinstone and Big Jake Music for more information. www.bigjakemusic.comOr