Although it may seem excessively cautious to check your mirrors and buckles before getting in your car, experts suggest that this could make the difference between life or death.

“So many accidents can be traced back to bad decisions before you even get behind the driver’s seat,”Jeff Purner, a professional driving instructor from Porsche Cars North America, said the following:

Routine maintenance can be crucial for your safety. Under-inflated tires, for example, are the main cause of tire failures. This can negatively affect your car’s handling as well as fuel economy. Your tires should be checked, including the spare, at least once every month.

Your wiper blades should be checked monthly. Blades that are worn can reduce visibility and cause glare to the windshield.

Your car’s contents could make or break your day. One of the most dangerous things you can bring in your car is your cell phone. You’re not paying attention when you talk, text, or use GPS applications. Purner warns that texting while driving is just as dangerous as driving under the influence. Do yourself a favor by turning off your phone.

After you have switched off your phone, adjust your seat belt. Your lap belt should be placed low to your waist. The shoulder strap should extend over your shoulders and cross your chest. The shoulder strap should not be placed under your armpit. Adjust your side-view and rear-view mirrors before you turn on the ignition. Purner states that many drivers set their mirrors too far from the road, causing them to reflect only the outside of their cars.

“You already know where your car is; you should be concerned about where the other cars are so that you can avoid them.”

Place your hands on the steering wheels at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock. This position allows you to turn the wheel at the furthest distance without your hands touching the steering wheel. This holds also gives you a better view of the wheel. “feel”Faster response time