Your lawn and garden will be in need of some attention this spring, regardless of whether you’re looking at the potential resale price of your house or just looking for ways to improve your yard.

Your house’s exterior is the first thing that people see. Even mild winters can cause damage. A home-improvement checklist can help you get started if you aren’t sure where to begin. These are some ideas to help you get started. lawn- and garden-maintenanceTips from’s garden and home experts

* Remove piles of dead leaves from the lawn. Clean lawns will help maximize the effectiveness of fertilizers and pesticides. You shouldn’t fertilize your lawn too early. April is the best time to fertilize your grass. Any earlier could result in yellow spots or dry patches.

* Check gutters for leaks and debris. Poor drainage can lead to water accumulation in crawl spaces and basements. Clear debris from downspouts and keep them away from the foundation.

* Start a roof fund. Check your roof after winter for any rotten, broken, loose or missing tiles. The damage will only get worse in the summer sun. It’s smart to establish a fund for roof maintenance before you actually need it.

* Remove piles of wood or debris stacked near the home. Keep firewood well away from the foundation. These preventative measures will help you keep pests away from your home.

* Don’t strain yourself, and stay hydrated. You might not have done any lifting, or been out in the sun for long periods of time. Make sure to drink lots of fluids, take breaks, and stretch your muscles. Absorbine Jr. can be used to relieve muscle strains or backaches.www.absorbinejr.comIt is also available in a spray form. Its herbs and remarkable ability to reduce muscle and back pain make this a must-have item for any yard work.

* Call a professional to clean your AC unit. An annual service is recommended by cooling and heating experts. Clean coils are more efficient. ACs will keep your family cool in the heat of summer.

It can be thrilling to become pregnant. There are so many things to do and so many appointments. Many expectant mothers worry so much about the baby that they neglect to take care of themselves.

Experts agree that prenatal vitamins are crucial for both mother and baby.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD, FACOG, is an obstetrician based in Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins, such as DHA, an Omega-3-fatty acid, or Folic Acid, are essential ingredients. Prenatal vitamins are important ingredients that help moms to be soon have a healthy diet. They can also aid baby’s brain, eyes and central nervous system development.

It is important to understand that not all vitamins work the exact same. There are many other options. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is the inventor of the prenatal vitamin that contains egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete gold contains OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is naturally found in the eyes and brain. OmEGGa DHA has a simple absorption and is easily absorbed by the body. It is distributed in shorter, more efficient steps.

OB Complete gold comes in a softgel that can be taken one time daily. This complete formula is rich in highly soluble vitamins and minerals. It does not contain sugar, lactose, or gluten.

This vitamin supplement is small enough to be easily carried around in a compact package. This supplement vitamin is convenient for busy moms. It provides useful information, helps to keep track of daily dosages and discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider for a free trial.

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