You can host a birthday party at any time, from a small dinner to a large celebration with lots of games, party hats and noisemakers. on a budget. Here are some suggestions:
* Set a budget. Set a budget for food and drinks before you do anything else. You can avoid spending more than you need by confirming your guest list. You can set a spending limit for your guests if you don’t want them to spend too much on gifts.
* Find affordable gifts. Retailers like Dollar General (www.DollarGeneral.comThere are many gift options for both men and women at )
Children and adults. Many toys for children are under $10. Birthday cards are always 2 for 1
Grown-ups love getting personalized gifts, like framed pictures. A gift that brightens up the birthday boy/girl’s office or home might be something you consider. Home furnishings such as decorative clocks, lamps, and other furniture can be useful as well.
* Give back to the community. Your guests will be relieved of the pressure and cost associated with choosing the perfect gift. Ask your guests to bring cans to make a donation to your local food pantry. If you are hosting a party for children, ask guests to bring a book or doll that will be donated to a local hospital.
* Let them eat cake. When you are hosting a birthday party, it is important to save room for dessert. You can stock up on a variety of cake ingredients, such as pie crusts, fruit fillings and ice creams. Also, you can get cake decorations at a discounted retailer like Dollar General. This will allow you to make the perfect dessert or two.
* Leave guests with a favor. Surprise your guests by giving them something to take home as a thank you. Make simple snacks such as mini candy bars and homemade cookies by filling plastic sandwich bags with fold-top sandwiches. Popular and affordable favorites for children are pencils, stickers, or animal crumpers. Use colorful ribbons to tie each bag.