People tend to hate their jobs. belly fatThey’ll put in a lot of effort to make it disappear. Many people are unaware that the belly fat is home to adult stem cells, which can heal almost anything. They can grow tissue, make a new breast after cancer treatment or regenerate the skin and muscles of soldiers who have been wounded.
Adult stem cells have proven to be a better option than embryonic and embryonic stem cells in terms of delivering new treatments. One company has made it possible for adult stem cells to be a solution for families. American CryoStem was the first stem-cell bank to exclusively focus on adult stem cells taken from adipose tissue. Body fat
“Body fat can be medically extracted by certified professionals and turned into viable stem cell samples. These adult stem cells can not only be used to regenerate tissue, they can also reconstruct many types of injuries and defects,”Richard Jacoby MD, Laboratory Director at American CryoStem Corporation “Adult stem cells are unspecialized, so they can be induced and guided to develop into specific nerves, bone, cartilage or organs.”
American CryoStem makes it easy to collect body fat at any participating doctor’s office. It takes less than 30 minutes. After the adipose tissues are collected, they are shipped to American CryoStem’s laboratory facility. The stem cells and sterility of the tissue will be tested. The company’s long term cryo-storage facility holds individual cell samples. To ensure a secure, unbreakable chain of custody, each client sample is monitored from collection to processing to storage. Each client’s adult stem cells sample is tracked and monitored continuously to ensure it can be recovered and shipped around the globe within 24 hours. This allows for many medical applications such as skin grafts or reconstructive surgery, transplants, and more.
American CryoStem provides long-term storage as well as a form bio-insurance.
This is a great solution for thousands of people suffering from afflictions. Only your cells can match perfectly with your genetic code, so there’s no room for cell rejection.
Pre-register with American CryoStem to be notified whenever services are made available in your region Visit to learn more. www.americancryostem.comTalk to your doctor. American CryoStem, a publicly traded company that trades under the symbol (OTCQB CRYO). For an investor kit, go to