“Green exercise”This might sound redundant to the casual observer. Jogging and bikes don’t emit carbons. Exercise machines are a great option for Americans with limited time and inclement weather. Although exercise machines like rowing machines, treadmills, ellipticals, and ellipticals can be effective in providing a good workout, they also consume energy.
Gym owners know that clients are increasingly eco-conscious. But getting rid of old equipment, even 12-hour-per-day treadmills, could be a serious business risk. Some manufacturers offer assistance to the eco-friendly gym-rats.
SportsArt Fitness, a manufacturer and designer of cardiovascular fitness equipment has recently introduced its Eco-Powr motor. Treadmills with the Eco-Powr motor use 32 percent less energy per hour than traditional treadmills. Eco-Powr treadmills can save a gym over $3,000 a yearly in energy costs. SportsArt also produces ellipticals and self-generating cycles that can run on electricity. Their Web resource, http://green.sportsartamerica.com, allows people to calculate what their savings would be by simply switching their equipment to Eco-Powr machines.
SportsArt Fitness provides the following tips for green-minded fitness enthusiasts who wish to improve their health, while protecting the environment.
Walking or biking is a good way to commute. Exercise is a great way to stay fit. Walking or biking will save fossil fuels and help you burn calories. Walking or biking long distances is a good option.
Choose eco-friendly, physical leisure activities. Gardening reduces stress and beautifies lawns. Instead of spending your time watching TV, spend some time with your children or running or hiking along a nature trail. It’s also possible to exercise in urban areas. You can walk to do simple tasks or go to a park to exercise.
Look for equipment made of eco-friendly materials. Look for brands that use bio-degradable materials to resist. Merino wool socks or organic cotton are good choices. Bamboo is better than foam yoga blocks.
For more information, please visit www.sportsartamerica.com.