Heifer International, a world hunger organisation, has been providing livestock to the poor since 1944 and requiring them to be fed. “pass on the gift”They can pass on their offspring to other animals, but this practice is now being recognized as having the power to alter lives.

Jeffrey Sachs is the U.N. Millennium Development Head and the author of “The End of Poverty,”Heifer has been cited as a solution to poverty and hunger that works at grassroots level. Barbara Kingsolver is the author of “Poisonwood Bible”and many other books have written about the power of “passing on the gift,”Both in Heifer publications as well as her own books. In his new book, Bill Clinton, the former President, is now available. “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World,”This chapter explains how Heifer’s unique approach to helping the poor allows everyone to make a difference regardless of their income or available time.

Heifer International has provided assistance to 45.3 million people with values-based community building, sound agricultural training, and livestock gifts that multiply. The livestock provides meaningful work and better livelihoods. Each recipient is required to pass the gift of their offspring, cows, goats, or other livestock to other members of their community.

“‘Passing on the gift’ turns every Heifer recipient into a better citizen,”Clinton wrote. “I believe that if this concept were to be integrated into other giving programs wherever possible, it would dramatically increase the impact of good works at almost no cost.”

Clinton was the first to support Heifer when, as Arkansas governor in 1980, he sent Heifer livestock to Central America. He was also the keynote speaker at Heifer’s dedication of its new facility. “green”Heifer’s headquarters was established in Little Rock in 2006. He has spoken often about Heifer and its mission to end hunger and poverty.

“There is virtually no limit to the good Heifer can do. Donors know the program works. And best of all, by turning every beneficiary into a donor, your gift keeps on giving,”Clinton wrote.

You can send $20 for a flock of chickens or $500 for a dairy Cow. Donors can honour family, friends, and colleagues by calling Heifer International at 800-696-1918 to request a free gift catalogue or by visiting www.heifer.org.

It can be thrilling to become pregnant. There is so much to do, so many appointments to keep. Many expectant mothers worry so much about the baby that they neglect to take care of themselves.

Experts say that prenatal vitamins are vital for both mom and baby.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD FACOG is an obstetrician from Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins include DHA, an Omega-3 fat acid, and Folic acid. These vitamins not only help soon-to-be moms maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also can help the baby’s brain and eyes develop.

It is important to know that vitamins do not work in the same way. There are alternatives. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is the inventor of the prenatal vitamin that contains egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete gold contains OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is bio-efficient and can be found in the brain, eyes, and other body parts. OmEGGa DHA can be easily absorbed and absorbed into the body. It’s more efficiently distributed in simple steps.

OB Complete gold comes in a softgel that can be taken one time daily. This complete formula is rich in highly soluble vitamins and minerals. It does not contain sugar, lactose, or gluten.

This vitamin supplement is small enough to be easily carried around in a compact package. It is designed to help busy moms keep track of their daily doses, provide helpful information, and offer discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider to give it a try.

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