Older adults are blessed with time and knowledge. Both of these make them the ideal match for volunteering.

Senior adults can give back as little as 2 hours per week, or as much as 96 hours annually, and they are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Studies show that volunteering can help seniors overcome depression, manage chronic pain, and increase brain power. In short, volunteering can promote longevity.

You still need another reason for you to volunteer? There are good chances that you will reconnect with old friends or make new ones as the number of seniors volunteering is expected to double within the next few years.

“Volunteering gave me a reason to get up in the morning and stimulated my brain as I learned about topics and issues that were completely unfamiliar to me,” says one volunteer.

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), a non-profit organization, launched a public education campaign in order to educate older adults about volunteering. The publication forms the core of the campaign. “Doing Good Is Good for You: Volunteer!”

This brochure includes a Self-Assessment checklist that will help you determine the most important issues and activities in a volunteer setting.

Are you more interested in politics, art, or animals?

Do you like to tutor, garden, or counsel?

The Checklist offers a variety of options.

A potential volunteer completed a list of his interests. One was a musician for all his life. He checked “arts and culture”He regarded him as a favourite and loved to teach others. He was so excited to learn that the ukulele was his preferred instrument when he signed up for volunteer work. His lessons are so popular that he now teaches in two senior centers with packed classes.

You can find a volunteer opportunity for anyone with a click of a mouse.

Visit this website for more information about volunteering and to download a free copy of the brochure. www.n4a.orgFind the right option for you. “Volunteer Resource Center” under n4a Initiatives.