You can give unconditional love to your pet, so why not take care of it?
From mosquito bites, heartworm can infect both cats and dogs. Heartworm is a common disease in cats and dogs, regardless of age or health. Protecting your pet is crucial regardless of where you live. Heartworm disease is a common condition in every state.
Infected mosquitoes can transmit heartworm larvae to pets. These larvae mature into adult heartworms and can live for many years in the heart and vessels. It is possible to find up to 250 heartworms in one dog. Heartworm treatment doesn’t give immunity. They can also be reinfected by another mosquito bite. It is important to prevent your pet from getting infected again.
Many pets don’t show symptoms until the later stages of heartworm disease. However, signs such as coughing and difficulty breathing can be seen in dogs with heartworm diseases. Heartworm disease, if left untreated and not treated, can lead to sudden death. It blocks blood flow to the heart. Heartworm treatment for dogs involves slowly killing the larvae without causing harm. Although cats are more likely to have heartworms than dogs, their effects can be as severe. Cats do not have a heartworm treatment.
Heartworm disease can be prevented easily and completely. A monthly oral heartworm preventative or a 6-monthly injection by your veterinarian will kill mature heartworms before they can inflict any damage on the pet.
Banfield Pet Hospital experts (www.banfield.comIt is recommended that pet owners have their pets tested and treated for heartworms. The test takes just a drop from your pet’s blood and is very quick. Only a veterinarian is qualified to prescribe heartworm prevention. Your pet will be provided with the right protection.
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