You need to be aware of how to prevent injuries from sports as your child gets into the sport season. Even with the most stringent safety precautions, injuries from bumps and falls can occur, especially for athletes who participate in sports like football, soccer and field hockey.

Brooke de Lench (author of) offers some helpful tips. “Home Team Advantage: The Critical Role of Mothers in Youth Sports”Editor www.MomsTeam.comFor your athlete child’s safety on the field and off it:

* Make sure your child follows an appropriate conditioning program. When kids are least in shape, injuries occur the most frequently at the start of the season. Make sure your child follows a conditioning program that is specific to his or her sport prior to the season. A proper conditioning program, including building the hamstrings or inner quadriceps muscle, can prevent injuries in the knee and non-contact injuries to anterior cruciate.

* Providing the right safety equipment, such as mouth guards, safety goggles, helmets and, elbow and knee pads, can help avoid serious injuries. Protective clothing must have a minimum of 15 SPF.

* Discourage children from hiding their injuries and keep a well-stocked first aid kit handy for on-the-spot treatment of injuries. You should ensure that your first aid kit contains medicines for all cuts and scrapes as well as Boiron’s odorless Arnicare gel for swelling and pain.www.arnicare.comIt is available at: It provides safe and natural relief from muscle stiffness, bruising, and muscle aches that can be caused by minor injuries, trauma, or overexertion. It does not contain camphor or methyl salicylate, which can be toxic in large quantities in some sports creams. Arnica montana is the active ingredient. It’s a perennial plant that can be found in Central Europe and the Northwestern United States. Arnicare gel has no known side effects or drug interactions, making it safe to use for all ages.

* Set limits on practice and playtime as nearly half of all injuries suffered by children are due to overuse. Allowing a child to practice for a single sport for three months and 20 hours for another, is a good idea.

Call 1-800-BOIRON-1 to locate the nearest Boiron Store that stocks Arnicare Gel, and other products.