While many families would like to spend more quality family time, it can be challenging to find activities that all members of the family will enjoy. An art exhibit might not interest a baseball fan, but an art enthusiast might not like spending the day in a museum. What can families do to bring their families together in an interesting and meaningful way?

It might be a good idea to learn musical instruments with your family. A Gallup poll from 2009 by the National Association of Music Merchants found that 85 percent of Americans do not wish to play musical instruments. There are many reasons to play instruments, not just for family bonding.

Studies have shown that babies are more interested in singing than talking. They pay more attention when mom sings rather than listening to her words. Babies who sing to sleep are more likely to develop better than those who don’t. As toddlers, they enjoy singing and learning new songs. They are also able to play an instrument at an early age.

Music education helps children develop their ability to be disciplined, problem solve, communicate, and work together. Columbia University found that arts students are more cooperative, self-confident, as well as better at expressing ideas. Children develop new skills quickly, too. A study showed that children who learn music for just one-year were more able to remember information.

These benefits don’t diminish as children get older. Teenagers say that playing instruments helps them deal with peer pressure, loss, and academic stress. Recreational music making has been shown to be a way to ease depression and stress among working adults over 45.

Music lessons and buying musical instruments can help create memories that will last a lifetime.

Visit this site to find music lessons close by you www.wannaplaymusic.comStop by your local music shop.