Organic products account for more than two thirds of all consumers. Many choose organic products. “go organic”When they become parents. Why? Many people believe organic food is better than conventional food.

What is organic? Organic is the method meat, dairy and fruits are grown and processed. Organic farming is free from toxic and persistent chemicals, antibiotics, and genetically modified organisms.

Is organic food worth paying a higher price? “Yes,”Dr. William Sears, a best-selling author and pediatrician, says so.

Sears says that pollution in the air, water, and food could cause serious health problems for your child. “So, while you’re keeping them safe from environmental toxins, give them organic food that’s free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.”

Sears explains that children are more at risk from the cancer-causing effects of pesticides than their parents. Pesticides are stored as fat and infants and young toddlers have proportionately greater body fat than adults. Sears points out that adult foods are also vulnerable to pesticides. “safety limits”Pesticides may not be safe to children. Children don’t eat pesticides as much as adults.

“Are organic foods really that much healthier?”Dr. Sears. “Yes,”He responds. “I believe they’re the best choice for kids.”

Sears even recommends yogurt, an organic dairy product, as a first food. Sears recommends YoBaby brand of organic yogurts because they are not only made with organic milk and ingredients but also contain a unique blend six probiotic cultures that boost immunity and promote healthy digestion.

He recommends that parents opt for organic fruits and veggies, and if they aren’t, to choose vegetables with minimal pesticide residue.

Learn more about organics, and how to shop smarter.

Visit www.askdrsears.comOder You can get a free shopper’s guide to pesticides in produce for parents.