The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation is making it easier for patients to find the right clinical trial.

The non-profit organisation is ready to launch an upgraded version of its highly popular search engine. The new tool will make it easier for people with particular illnesses to find clinical trials. It will be available on the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc.’s website (LFA).

The search engine’s ease of use is what makes it appealing. “The Lupus Foundation is very excited about our partnership with CISCRP, because the new site provides a very comprehensive listing of lupus trials that is easily navigable, so you’re not going to get lost in cyberspace,” explains LFA Education & Research Manager Susan Drinan-Bowes. “The information will be accessible and as easy to reach as possible.”

SCT will not only list lupus clinical studies by geographical location but also contain central information about sponsors and phases of clinical trials, eligibility requirements, and recruitment status. Because SCT integrates seamlessly into the host website, users can search for Lupus clinical trials from any location without leaving the LFA site.

Diane Simmons, President and CEO of CISCRP, says LFA is part of a rapidly-growing group disease advocacy organizations that want to make clinical trials more accessible to their communities by displaying the SCT search engine on the websites they manage. “We are currently speaking with the Hormone Foundation and cancer and Parkinson’s disease organizations about collaborating with us on this initiative,” Simmons says. “Enabling people with illnesses to obtain the information they need about clinical research from the organizations they rely on and trust in is another way CISCRP fulfills its mission of educating, informing and empowering the public about clinical research participation. It’s a win-win situation for all.”LFA’s new partnership will allow them to realize their dream of a new lupus therapy.

“We are thrilled to be working with CISCRP on this initiative because at the end of the day, our job is all about what we can do for the patients,”Drinan Bowes. “We’ve put a man on the moon, but there hasn’t been a new FDA-approved drug for lupus in 40 years. Patients are seeking out information about clinical research for lupus, and it’s in our best interests to make this information available so that lupus patients can be enrolled in clinical trials with the ultimate hope of developing new and effective drugs to treat this debilitating disease.”

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