Americans love a white smile but they still eat and drink the sugary foods that cause tooth decay and staining. The fact that Americans spend billions on tooth whiteners, and oral hygiene products, is not surprising.

Sugar alone is not the main cause of tooth decay or cavities. Bad bacteria in our mouths and sugar are the problem. Bad bacteria breaks down sugars to lactic acid which then deteriorates our protective enamel coating.

Bad and good bacteria can live in your mouth. Bad oral care can lead to bad bacteria taking over, which can result in unpleasant breath and worse, cavities and tooth decay. Too many oral health products address the symptoms but not the root cause of poor oral hygiene. Conventional mouth rinses only offer a temporary, topical solution to kill both good and harmful bacteria. However, some bacteria can repopulate the oral cavity more quickly than others so mouth rinses may not be a permanent fix.

The ineffectiveness and staining of mouthwashes doesn’t mean that consumers have to accept stained teeth or bad breath. Research shows that the solution may lie in brushing, flossing and avoiding sugary foods.

Jeffrey Hillman DMD, Ph.D. spent more than 30+ years researching oral health. He has identified three distinct probiotic strains which are natural residents of healthy mouths. ProBiora3, a patented blend of probiotics creates colonies of beneficial bacteria that live on the teeth and gums. They crowd out harmful bacteria.

The beneficial bacteria helps maintain healthy gums and teeth, and freshens breath. They also gently whiten the teeth by releasing low levels of hydrogen peroxide. Probiotic health care products are microscopic and can penetrate areas of your mouth that would otherwise be inaccessible to other oral care products. They can even reach below the gumline and under orthodontic retainers.

ProBiora3 has been integrated into an easy to use delivery system in the form of a probiotic tablet called EvoraPlus. Visit for more information

Today’s life is very fast. The rise of digital technology has allowed people to communicate with each other via the internet and simultaneously check their children’s soccer scores. Consumers can expect the same conveniences and benefits from all businesses, except their insurance companies, thanks to the internet age. For many people struggling to pay their medical bills, this can seem like a long wait, even though 98 percent of claims for health insurance are processed in 30 days.

Nearly two-thirds American households make less than 2002. Simply being insured does not suffice. It is vital to understand how quickly and efficiently your insurance carrier pays claims. This is important for both financial and medical recovery.

Recent research found that 66% would not be able to adjust to the high financial cost of serious illnesses or injuries. Only 49% have enough money to cover out-of pocket expenses. Additionally, rising healthcare costs are forcing employers into cost-saving measures that are putting employees under greater financial pressure.

* Increasing employees’ health care insurance copayments.

* Increasing employees’ share of premium.

* Implementing high-deductible health plans with health savings accounts.

Some people might have to wait as long as a month to receive their insurance payments. Many insurance companies strive to provide fast service with better technology and better understanding of customers’ needs. This is just one example. AflacIt is almost rare for insurance companies to offer policies that include claims processing, approval, and payment in a single day.

Fast payment policies are no longer luxury items of the past. It is a necessity in today’s world. It is vital to have funds readily available for serious illness or injury. Your insurance company should be able to respond quickly.

Aflac’s One Day Pay guarantee can be found on