Looking for a different way to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Consider something healthier, but more effective than flowers and chocolates. Give a gift to someone that you don’t already know, or donate your time through organizations like(*) (UniversalGivingwww.universalgiving.orgUnited Health Group claims that when you give yourself, you feel more fulfilled and less stressed. It’s good to give. LinkedIn research reveals that almost half (50%) of potential employers see volunteering as just as important than paid work experience for those who are interested in a job switch.

UniversalGiving offers many ways to give back worldwide through their website. You can purchase mosquito nets for children to prevent them from getting malaria or food and books for those in need. It costs only $10. If you are able to volunteer and have the time, there are many opportunities available in more than 100 nations, such as tutoring children in Ethiopia, or working with Thais to protect their elephant habitat.

UniversalGiving directs every dollar donated to the cause you choose. UniversalGiving can do this because it pays its administrative costs through consulting fees to Fortune 500 companies for their volunteer and giving programs.

UniversalGiving rigorously vets all partner organizations using a 24-stage Quality Model. This unique system guarantees that your money will be used to make the most impact and go the right places.

Pamela Hawley, UniversalGiving CEO and Founder, said the statement.

“Real change happens through one-on-one connection. If one person can connect with another and increase their compassion and respect for others, then we are on our way to a world that recognizes, and lives, peace,”Visit www.amazon.com for more information
