Apple’s iPad, the latest technology gadget, is our choice. First, you will need to have some apps (apps) in order to purchase or receive an iPad. This can become addictive and costly, so be aware.

These are some suggestions to help you get started — enough to impress without draining your bank accounts. You can download them all from the iTunes App Store.

* Food. The best part about the iPad? It can be taken anywhere, including the kitchen.

For the wannabe Julia Child, consider Epicurious, a free app from Condé Nast, the publisher of Bon Appétit and Gourmet. It features colorful photos and a shopping list function. You can also search by main ingredient or cuisine.

Martha Stewart also has her own application.

* Music. Pandora, an Internet radio application that is free, allows you to search for specific artists, songs, or composers. Pandora will then create an entire station with music and artists that match your search.

You can also choose which music you prefer, such as Bluegrass or Doo-Wop or Lullabye. You will see and hear occasional ads, so a year of ad-free access will run you $36.

* TV/Movies. Netflix offers a free iPad application if you already love Netflix for watching your favorite TV shows and movies. You will need an unlimited membership starting at $8.99 per monthly to use it.

* Geek. LogMeIn Ignition iPad for iPad lets you stay on the couch and answer the phone when it rings.

The $29.99 app allows you to access and control all of the computers on your iPad. You can use it to fix a friend’s Mac or Mac far away, access files on a computer you forgot at work, or transform your new iPad into an ultra-lightweight laptop.

* Games. Many of the most popular games for iPad and iPhone are expensive. There are many great games for iPad and iPhone if you’re willing invest.