Cold brew coffee is still a hot trend. According to market research, there has been a 580% increase in coffee sales between 2011-2016. This is due to the popularity of cold brew.

Cold brew coffee is made from cold water. Although it sounds easy, making cold brew concentrate out of ground coffee can be messy and time-consuming. The majority of coffee brewers on the market require 12-24 hours at room temperature before they can brew a coffee concentrate that is suitable for cold-brew coffee. This has historically meant that advance planning was required in order to make cold brew coffee. Now, cold brew coffee fans can enjoy their fix in just a matter of minutes with a specialized espresso press.

AeroPress coffee maker can reduce brewing time by simply stirring the coffee grounds with room temperature water. Add finely ground coffee to the AeroPress coffee maker, and stir. Press and enjoy a cup cold-brewed coffee with a rich, smooth flavor.

AeroPress also has an easy and quick cleanup. AeroPress is not like other cold brewers that leave behind a lot of coffee grounds. It’s designed to filter the grounds into a compact, neat piece that is ready for composting.

The great thing about cold brewing is that you can do it anywhere hot water is not available. It is easy to find water while on the road, hiking, biking or other outdoor activities. However, it can be difficult to heat it. With an AeroPress lightweight and portable, you can quickly brew a cup with tap water in just 2 minutes.

AeroPress is a multipurpose coffeemaker that can make hot and cold coffees.

Visit aeropress.comFind out how to enjoy your hot or cold brew coffee from the comfort of your own home.