()Deer, like many mammals, prepare their bodies for winter by insulate better. Deer gradually swap their summer coats to a warmer, thicker and longer-lasting winter coat in the fall. “guard hairs”Protect their fur and skin from snow and rain.

Their winter coat is more able to absorb sunlight and trap heat more than their warm weather coat. This provides exceptional protection against the elements. The oil-producing glands found in deer skin make their hair water resistant. This is particularly important in snow. To provide even greater insulation, their bodies naturally retain more fat during winter.

To survive harsh winter conditions, deer change their behavior. Deer tend to be less active and sometimes drop their metabolism by half. This allows them to conserve energy. Even though they can survive on their fat during winter, deer will eventually need to eat.

Deer can survive winters that are nearly impossible to find the plants they love, which is amazing. The winter diet of deer includes food that isn’t particularly nutritious but is still available above the snow, such as twigs and leaves, bark, evergreen shrubs and trees, like yews or arborvitae. Arborvitae is a very popular tree that can be used as a hedge in your backyard. It grows fairly quickly and makes a beautiful addition to any yard. Deer can decimate Arborvitae trees in winter storms, making them look like lollipops.

High deer numbers and food are scarce in winter, so deer are more likely to resist attempts to repel them. They’ll go back to areas where there was plenty of food during warm weather, such as your yard. An adult deer will consume approximately 7 pounds of food per day and will usually live in the same 3-to 4-mile area their whole lives. If you have had deer in your yard, chances are that they will return to your yard this winter.

You will need a reliable, effective and simple-to-use winter repellent to save your trees and shrubs from winter damage. A proven repellent such as Easy-to-use is your best defense against deer. Bobbex Deer Repellent, foliar spray. The product is safe for animals, humans, wildlife, and aquatic life. The ingredients include fishmeal, fish oil and garlic. All of these substances can be irritating to a deer’s sensitive senses of smell and taste. Epsom and Urea are natural fertilizer ingredients that can be beneficial for all types of plants.

Bobbex Deer mimics predator smells that deer are averse to. It is also classified as a fear repellent. The repellent is resistant to water and won’t be affected by harsh winter conditions because it has effective sticking agents. It has been tested against 9 similar repellents by a third party and is rated #1 for protection against deer browse.

Bobbex experts recommend applying repellents throughout the year to deer as they change their eating habits. Deer are able to learn from their experiences and will continue to use repellents throughout all of the year, which we believe is best. “school”They’ll continue to avoid your yard in favour of more appealing food elsewhere.

If left unaffected, deer may eat your most valuable and vulnerable plants in winter. This can leave you with a less attractive yard and higher replacement costs. You can prevent deer from entering your yard by taking preventative steps and preparing now. They will eventually learn to leave the area during winter and you can continue to use the garden year round.

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