People think of more efficient appliances or shorter showers when it comes to water conservation. However, few people realize that a brick could also do the trick.
Newer clay brick pavers permit rainwater to soak into the ground slowly through their permeable surfaces. This allows for natural filtering that reduces stormwater runoff and floods by allowing water to dissipate in the watershed.
Runoff is a significant environmental problem because water that has not been absorbed into the ground makes its way to rivers, streams and lakes. This water can carry pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers. It is important to conserve water and maintain its cleanliness by using building materials that reduce runoff.
RainPave and StormPave are used to construct driveways and parking lots. They reduce water consumption, pollution, and work well in areas like Atlanta where there is a limit on the area that can be infiltrated by water. These pavers can even be used to replace retention pools, which means more land is available.
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