Climeworks, a Swiss startup and innovator, launched the world’s first carbon capture plant, in Hinwil, Switzerland, just one day after President Donald Trump made his decision to pull the USA from the Paris Agreement.

This plant filters carbon dioxide directly from the air and offers a solution to climate change. Climeworks invented and developed a new CO2 filtering material. It aims to eliminate 1% of global CO2 emissions by 2025.

business campaigning Ltd. is a Swiss campaigning company with the motto “meaningful campaigns for meaningful ideas”This was “dismayed by Trump’s decision, but buoyed with hope after seeing the launch of this potentially climate-saving technology,”The Planet First campaign, which aims to remove 100 tons CO2 from the atmosphere and safely store it underground, was launched.

The business campaigning group believes technology now allows ordinary people to collectively fight climate change. Governments no longer need to do so.

The CO2 can be either stored underground to be used as a raw material for food and beverages, or used to produce carbon-neutral fuels which can be used by the auto industry.

Climeworks will support the goal of the Planet First campaign to remove 100 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Funding for this campaign is provided by The Planet First Campaign.

“We want to make a mark with this campaign. Through technologies, such as Climeworks,’climate protection can become a viable business model,”Peter Metzinger, CEO and owner of business campaigning Ltd.

“The filter plants in Switzerland can evolve into a global export industry and create a new economic sector — the circular carbon economy. Startups and companies can deliver decisive impetus to truly sustainable climate protection, utilizing CO2 as a raw material and reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. This is how we can fight climate change,” says Metzinger.

The Planet First crowdfunding page can be found here

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