Conserving gasoline is a good idea, regardless of whether you want to save money, protect the environment, or reduce the country’s dependence upon imported oil.
“Using less gasoline is one of those rare win-win situations,”Martin Lawson is the editorial director at the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, an independent non-profit dedicated to improving the quality and repair of automobiles through voluntary testing and certification. “Families can benefit immediately while helping the environment in the long run.”
No matter your motivation, here are some tips and tricks from the pros at ASE to save gas.
Pay attention to your tires. Tires that are too low or not aligned properly can make the engine work harder and cause fuel consumption. Let the tires cool before you check the air pressure. A professional should align out-of line wheels as indicated by uneven tread wear.
Reduce excess weight. You can get rid of any unnecessary items. Only keep the essentials in your trunk. You will get more mileage if you store less weight. Reduce drag by removing rooftop cargo carriers.
You can combine trips and errands. You may not need to take certain trips. You should also avoid traffic jams so that you can travel at a light speed.
Avoid excessive idling. When you are waiting for your family or friends, shut off the engine.
Speed limits must be observed. Your miles per gallon will be reduced if you speed.
Be gentle. Sudden accelerations are a waste of gas. Be aware of traffic patterns ahead of time and adjust your speed gradually.
Make sure to use air conditioning and windows wisely. You will see a decrease in air drag, which should help you get more mileage. Even if the air conditioner is on, this is true. For fuel savings, you can turn the air conditioner off during stop-and-go traffic.
Keep your engine “tuned up.”Well-maintained engines will run at maximum efficiency and maximize gas mileage. Follow the instructions in the owner’s guide. Make sure to replace filters and fluids, and have any engine performance issues fixed at a shop. Also, a well-maintained vehicle will last for longer.
It’s a smart decision to have these types of repairs done by certified auto technicians who are ASE-certified for engine performance. The blue and white ASE signs are displayed at repair shops that employ certified technicians.
Visit this site for more information and seasonal advice on car care.