The median selling price of U.S. houses as of November 2015 was $220,000. The family home is often a family’s greatest asset. While there are exceptions to this rule, it is generally true for American families. A realtor reviews the property and suggests a fair selling value based on comparable sales. After that, the property is listed for sale. A buyer is interested and makes an offer. After negotiations, an agreement can be reached and the sale is complete.

The family’s wealth is held by the business owned by the owner of a business. It is much harder to sell a business. A home valuation takes into account factors such as location, condition and size, floor plan, etc., but these factors only make up a small part of the equation to determine the business’s value. While a business might have a small value for its real property but a high income-producing enterprise, it might be worth millions. On the other hand, its real estate, inventory and equipment could be worth millions but its business operations may not be very profitable. While almost anyone can buy any home they want, there is a limit to the number of people who are qualified to run a business.

One problem is to find qualified buyers who are willing, able and able buy a business. Professional business brokers often do this job. While the laws vary from one state to another, most states allow a licensed agent to perform this function without any licensing or registration. Unskilled realtors need help in selling businesses. This includes providing information on financing options, deal structures and business valuations.

This is where REGULUS MB comes in. REGULUS-MB is a back-office support system that REGULUS Corporation recently launched. It offers a range of services for real estate agents who wish to sell businesses as an extra profit center.

“As state regulations permit,” notes REGULUS CEO David Emery, “realtors can expand the scope of the services they offer, businesses wishing to sell will have additional options and REGULUS will gain clients and deal flow. This is a win-win-win all around.”

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