
“The Beirut Protocol ”
Joel C. Rosenberg

Trapped behind enemy lines. Tortured and threatened with the death, The worst is yet to happen. Marcus Ryker, a special agent, has dedicated his entire life to protecting others. But this time, his life is in peril.

When a routine advance trip along the Israeli-Lebanese border goes wrong, American operatives are ambushed and captured by a rogue Hezbollah special forces team. Marcus and his coworkers will be executed and tortured on live TV, and the president will need to start another war that he is unlikely to win.

Marcus must choose between life and death. The odds of survival are getting smaller. Escape seems impossible. There is no hope of rescue. This is the CIA’s most valuable operative as you have never seen him before. Buy at https://amzn.to/35Po5Ci.

“First Dog on Earth”
by  Irv Weinberg

“Heartwarming story about relationships among people and dogs.”

At the dawn of civilization, a wolf dog befriends an old hunter and revives his alpha powers among his human tribe. Together with the animal’s pack, they discover a new way of life — a shared odyssey of survival and trust that grows into the most successful partnership the Earth has ever known, changing dogs and humans forever.

This is the poetic story of how civilization progresses all because of the abilities the dogs bring the tribe. How did the greatest love story of all time begin? Take a leap into unknown. “Like no other book you’ve read!” Purchase at http://amzn.to/38pfW8j.

“How to Train Your Hooman: A Field Guide”
by  Gwen Romack

This is the lighthearted and funny read we so desperately need in these not-so-light-hearted times – and the perfect Mother’s Day gift for those dog-loving moms.

Follow this unique story told by an extraordinary dog, Finn. He’s irreverent, funny, and full of sass. Based on his real life, join Finn as he issues weekly reports back to K9 Rescue Headquarters on the strange behaviors and rituals of his rescue-“hoomans.”

With sarcastic wit, he observes the curious world around him, heroically saves his unwitting hoomans from dangers (see also: evil electric toothbrush), and shares his musings about the often-lackluster level of service he feels he receives. Buy at https://amzn.to/3bzqKDV.

“Waxing Pathetic ”
M. B. Clark

Waxing Pathetic is a sardonic, often hilarious, raging stream of consciousness from one mad American woman. Clark’s memoir, which includes the absurd, the political, and the lunatic, is a masterpiece of dry witticism and sharp observation.

From Been Down This Road, where she relates her high school dating history, to This is Real…and Surreal, where she takes down some pathetic politics, Clark merges real events with dream-state fiction that evokes deeper truths hidden in memories. Waxing Petty will take you down roads that are not available to most American women. Buy at https://amzn.to/3aTrCT3.

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