Today, nearly everyone is green. The ecological and health benefits of being environmentally conscious extend beyond the individual. People around the globe want healthier soil, cleaner water, and fresher air. Individual actions can help to achieve these goals. In a difficult economic environment, it can be a great way to save money. “green”Your energy bills, at both the gas station and the supermarket.

How can you live? “la vida verde?”Participate in TogetherGreen, an innovative conservation project created by Audubon-Toyota.

Do you like to get dirty? Volunteer Days offers hands-on opportunities for people to get involved in conservation efforts close to their homes. TogetherGreen volunteers have completed more than 21,000 hours of service in a matter of months and achieved amazing results for their communities.

Seattle students removed 10,000 feet of invasive plants from their campus. They were threatening to overtake the last stand of old-growth forest.

Volunteers from New York planted 400 trees of native plants as part a reforestation project on Staten Island.

– Springfield, Mo., groups surveyed the area’s animal and plant life. This data will be useful in future restoration efforts.

Volunteering takes up too much time. To learn simple ways to save money and energy, as well as protect and preserve habitats, visit the TogetherGreen Action Center. You can make small changes like installing energy-efficient lights bulbs in your home or even starting a neighborhood conservation club.

Are you aware of someone who does extraordinary work for the environment? TogetherGreen can help you highlight these environmental heroes by nominating them on the TogetherGreen Web site. Are there local organizations that are promoting the environment and achieving conservation goals for wildlife, habitats and people? You can help promote these green organizations by sharing their stories online at Community Works.

Every action can make a difference in the lives of wildlife, communities, and the environment. TogetherGreen believes that we must act now in order to shape tomorrow. So get involved!

Toyota donated $20 million to TogetherGreen, a multi-faceted Audubon program that funds conservation efforts, trains environmental leaders, and provides volunteer opportunities to benefit the environment.

Find dates and locations for Volunteer Days near you. The Action Center has fun online activities and more information about TogetherGreen.

Pregnancy can be very exciting. There is so much to do, so many appointments to keep. Expectant mothers worry so much for their unborn baby that they neglect to take proper care of themselves.

Experts agree that prenatal vitamins are crucial for both mother and baby.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD FACOG is an obstetrician in Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins include DHA, an Omega-3 fat acid, and Folic acid. These vitamins not only help soon-to-be moms maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also can help the baby’s brain and eyes develop.

It is important to know that vitamins do not work in the same way. There are many other options. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is the inventor of the prenatal vitamin that contains egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete Gold includes OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is bio-efficient and can be found in the brain, eyes, and other body parts. OmEGGa DHA can be easily absorbed and absorbed into the body. It’s more efficiently distributed in simple steps.

OB Complete gold comes in a softgel that can be taken one time daily. This complete formula is rich in highly soluble vitamins and minerals. It contains no sugar, lactose or gluten.

The supplement vitamin can be stored in a small, convenient container. This supplement vitamin is convenient for busy moms. It provides useful information, helps to keep track of daily dosages and discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider to give it a try.

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