Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is a medical term that describes the failure of open spine surgery and spinal fusion surgeries. FBSS is the term that describes patients who are not able to feel relief from spinal fusion and open spine surgery. FBSS, despite its name, is not a condition. It is a post-surgical condition that occurs frequently enough to be given an acronym.
What causes FBSS Sometimes, the bony “window”Through which spinal nerves pass narrows. This condition, called foraminalstenosis, is the main cause of post-surgical spine pain. The condition can also be caused by discs.
Patients should be informed that FBSS can still be treated. Before considering further surgery, doctors often suggest pain management and rehabilitation. Manual therapy, exercise, and spinal cord stimulators are all options. Implanted pumps can also be used to administer pain medication.
Why aren’t doctors prescribing corrective surgery instead? In the past repeated surgeries did not often relieve FBSS pain.
Recent developments have allowed FBSS patients to live pain-free lives. Advanced procedures for correcting FBSS, called the Bonati Procedures use the smallest possible incisions. Smaller cuts are more effective than older techniques and can result in less tissue and muscle trauma. This allows for faster recovery and less blood loss.
Under local anesthesia, the patient feels awake and can communicate with surgeons throughout the procedure. Patients who have received local anesthesia “open”This gentle, carefully managed outpatient procedure gives hope to those who had not experienced relief from their pain.
The Bonati Procedures have been developed and performed only at The Bonati Institute. This is because of the extensive experience of surgical teams who have performed more than 20,000 such advanced procedures.
Get a second opinion from qualified specialists before you consider any back surgery. Back pain can be complex and may require the assistance of multiple professionals. It is crucial to select the right spine team.
For more information, please visit www.bonati.comCall (866) 298 7513