Biomechanical engineering has enabled us to see things that were only possible in movies. We now live in the world of bionics, from prosthetic limbs and bionic ears.
Biomechanical engineering was recently elevated to new heights with the creation of thought-powered devices.
Ambient Corp. recently unveiled the Audeo, a new revolutionary device. The Audeo intercepts nerve signals from the neck and vocal cords. These signals are then transmitted to a computer program, which converts them into speech. It is hoped that this new technology will soon allow the mute to speak.
Ambient Corp. presented another technology: a thought powered wheelchair, which allows people to control their movement using just thought. They hope that the wheelchair, which is based on the same principles of the Audeo, will allow people with limited movement to move from one room to the next, control their lights and switch TVs, and can also move cursors around the computer.
These innovations are typical for the new generation. These new advancements are possible thanks to faster microprocessors and better sensors.
Prosthetics are now open to new possibilities thanks to thought-powered devices and nerve impulse capturing. For artificial limbs, electrodes can now be attached to or near nerves. The development of pressure and feeling sensors is enabling users to have a greater sense for precision.
These are just a few examples of innovation that the American Society of Mechanical Engineers is proud to promote. Over the 127-year history of the society, ASME members have been the nation’s innovators and inventors-contributing to such science and technology as electric power, the automobile, space exploration and, more recently, nanotechnology and biomechanical devices.
Visit this site for more information on these engineering innovations.
Pregnancy can be very exciting. There is so much to do, so many appointments to keep. Many expectant mothers worry so much about the baby that they neglect to take care of themselves.
Experts agree that prenatal vitamins are crucial for both mother and baby.
“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD FACOG is an obstetrician in Los Angeles.
Prenatal vitamins include DHA, an Omega-3 fat acid, and Folic acid. Prenatal vitamins are important ingredients that help moms to be soon have a healthy diet. They can also aid baby’s brain, eyes and central nervous system development.
It is important to understand that not all vitamins work the exact same. There are alternatives. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is responsible for the creation of the only prenatal vitamin with egg based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete Gold includes OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is bio-efficient and can be found in the brain, eyes, and other body parts. OmEGGa DHA has a simple absorption and is easily absorbed by the body. It’s more efficiently distributed in simple steps.
OB Complete Gold is available in a small softgel. It can be taken only once daily. This complete formula includes highly soluble forms of vitamins and minerals. It does not contain sugar, lactose, or gluten.
This vitamin supplement is small enough to be easily carried around in a compact package. It is designed to help busy moms keep track of their daily doses, provide helpful information, and offer discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider for a free trial.
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