About 20 million Americans are affected by some form of vision impairment. If not corrected properly, it can cause serious problems and even lead to independence loss. However, glasses, contacts, and even LASIK surgery have made it possible to see clearly.

Even though technology is readily available, it can be costly to purchase new contacts and glasses. Americans spend more than $500,000,000 a year on contacts and glasses. 73 percent are paid out-of-pocket. While glasses are indispensable, they are not affordable.

Lions Clubs International has stepped in to assist. They have been working since 1917 to help the visually impaired. “Give the Gift of Sight”Luxottica Group is sponsoring a campaign to collect glasses for people in need. This annual tradition has given more than 1,000,000 pairs of glasses worldwide over the past nine year to children, men, and women.

After collecting the glasses, volunteers numbering in the thousands clean, repair, and sort them. The glasses are then hand delivered to the families by international mission workers.

Lions Clubs International invites everyone to participate in their mission and give the gift that is sight to Lions Clubs International. You can donate prescription glasses, sunglasses, or non-prescription sunglasses to your local schools, places, churches, businesses, recreation centres, senior centers, and other locations. Online ordering of collection kits is also possible at www.givethegiftofsight.org.

Collaboration is encouraged through the participation of groups. Schools, scout groups and other community organizations can join Lions Clubs International to spread the word. A Pennsylvania university softball team collected over 70 pairs of glasses that could prevent the 18% of hip fractures caused by low vision.

Contact Lions Clubs International to learn how you can help or donate your old eyewear www.lionsclubs.org.

Pregnancy can be very exciting. There are so many things to do and so many appointments. Many expectant mothers worry so much about the baby that they neglect to take care of themselves.

Experts say that prenatal vitamins are vital for both mom and baby.

“During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes. She can experience things like fatigue, loss of appetite and an upset stomach, which can make it difficult to maintain the proper levels of essential nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy,”Jay M. Goldberg MD FACOG is an obstetrician in Los Angeles.

Prenatal vitamins, such as DHA, an Omega-3-fatty acid, or Folic Acid, are essential ingredients. These vitamins not only help soon-to-be moms maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also can help the baby’s brain and eyes develop.

It is important to know that vitamins do not work in the same way. There are alternatives. Vertical Pharmaceuticals LLC is responsible for the creation of the only prenatal vitamin that has egg-based DHA. OB Complete Gold. OB Complete Gold includes OmEGGa DHA. This DHA is naturally found in the eyes and brain. OmEGGa DHA has a simple absorption and is easily absorbed by the body. It is distributed in simpler and more efficient ways.

OB Complete gold comes in a softgel that can be taken one time daily. This complete formula is rich in highly soluble vitamins and minerals. It contains no sugar, lactose or gluten.

The supplement vitamin can be stored in a small, convenient container. This supplement vitamin is convenient for busy moms. It provides useful information, helps to keep track of daily dosages and discounts on refills. OB Complete gold is a prescription-prenatal vitamin. Ask your healthcare provider for a free trial.

This page contains additional information regarding safety and product details. www.obcompletegold.com.