Young children often cry when their loved ones die, but very few people can put their feelings into song.
Alexandra Irving, aged 9, lost her grandfather and wrote a song. “All We Had,”In his memory. The song was recorded by several bands that were competing for the OC Music Fest ’09 in May 2009. It is a three-day event. Roman Alexander and The Robbery plan to make a video for children that uses Irving’s lyrics.
“I heard her keep repeating the same verse,”Wayne Irving was Alexandra’s father. “‘One year ago, my heart became broken. Something made me uncomfortable… My grandpa’s smile is gone.'”
Alexandra, a precocious, talented child, who sings, dances, and heads her gymnastics team, had a special relationship to her grandfather. He died from a streptococcus bacteria-related infection at the age of 59. Her soccer team was coached by him – his optimism and sensitivity made his days brighter.
Wayne Irving, founder of E-CBS Records and Orange County Music Festival, spoke about Alexandra’s song and was surprised to discover that so many people were touched by Alexandra’s love for her grandfather, and the song she wrote after his tragic death.
Several bands are competing for the OC Music Fest ’09 spot “Be the Band Contest,”Wayne approached Alexandra about writing the song. Alexandra’s lyrics were used in a lullaby written by Roman Alexander, The Robbery. The Australian rock sensation Bedford performs it in a mesmerizing and tear-jerking rock version. Genius, Romania’s only platinum-selling band, will perform the lyrics in pop-blues.
The word spread quickly, and solicitations began coming in. A short music video was made by an illustrator based on Roman Alexander’s and The Robbery’s versions. All three performances can be found at Alexandra would love you to vote at Alexandra’s favorite.
Alexandra’s feelings about the attention “I’m embarrassed,”She said. “I was just thinking about my grandpa, I miss him so much. I wish he was here so he could hear my song for him.”