Many people seek advice from others about oil, even though they may not be as knowledgeable about the topic. Motor oil can be very different so make sure you choose the right one.

There is no single way to tell if a lubricant is good or bad. However, the price of lubricants is often a good indicator. This is because more advanced lubricants are more expensive to make. To find out more about third-party testing, consumers can visit the websites of lubricant manufacturers. This oil breakdown will help you understand the various motor oil options available and to find the best one for your car.

Mineral-based motor oils. These oils are the most affordable and widely available. Refining reduces the impurities found in mineral oils, but it leaves molecules of different shapes and sizes. These lubricants usually use standard additives that offer minimal performance and protection.

Synthetic oils. These synthetic oils, although more expensive than the mineral-based oils they replace, are still widely available. The synthetic base oil is what gives them their performance advantages. Synthetic lubricants can be described as man-made compounds that have the same molecules and size. Synthetic lubricants are more efficient at reducing friction than traditional mineral oils. Synthetic oils are more durable and provide greater protection. They often use the same additives as mineral-based oils.

High performance “specialty”motor oils. These highly-technical motor oils perform better than any widely available mineral-based or synthetic motor oils. The most significant difference between these oils is their use of proprietary additive technology. These oils have higher engine wear, greater horsepower and torque, as well as a reduced fuel consumption. They also make it possible to last longer between oil changes, which saves consumers money and time. Visit this website to learn more about high-performance oils.

If you are still confused, here is a quick summary: A used car with very little life left should be lubricated with low-cost mineral-based motor oils. You can improve your performance by switching to a major brand of synthetic motor oil. Upgrade to high-performance motor oil to get maximum performance and protect the vehicle you care about. “specialty”motor oil