()– After COVID-19 closed most senior gyms, many seniors began searching the internet for ways to keep fit. Many older adults are turning to the internet for new options such as the Silver&Fit®The program offers four daily free public workout classes. Facebook Live YouTube.

Participants have expressed their satisfaction with the timing of the senior exercise class launch.

“Thank you for keeping us safe, healthy and sane during these tough times,” says Ethel G.

“These classes have been life-saving,”Lee Ann D.

“These classes are perfect!”Teri S. “Every level is available.”

“Since the launch of our daily free public classes, we’ve received nearly 30,000 comments on how helpful the classes have been during the pandemic,”Jaynie Bjornaraa (PhD., MPH. and PT) is the AVP of Digital Fitness Solutions for the Silver&FitProgram.

“Older adults know that their quality of life is tied to their fitness level. Those who stop exercising can become deconditioned in as little as two weeks. Silver&Fit’s free, public Facebook Live YouTubeThey can keep moving by doing exercises.

The Silver&FitPublic workouts offer 20 free classes per week to anyone looking for a way to stay healthy during the pandemic. The half-hour sessions, which are tailored to adults 55 and older, include beginner, intermediate and advanced Cardio, Yoga, Strength & Bodyweight, Flexibility & Balance, and Mixed Format classes. Monday through Friday, the classes will be available at 9 a.m. PST and will continue at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and noon PT. The workout videos can be accessed for up to two weeks if you need more flexibility.

All are welcome to join the free public workouts. Follow these instructions. Silver&FitVisit Facebook www.facebook.com/SilverandFitYou can also visit their YouTube channel www.youtube.com/silverandfit. All classes are taught in English by qualified instructors with years of experience teaching older adults.

Silver&Fit has seen its class followers grow by nearly 350 percent in seven months, with more than 1.1 million views of our senior workout videos,” says Dr. Bjornaraa.

The Silver&FitMedicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans Now Open to Older Adults

Additional to the daily free, public workouts Facebook Live YouTube? Silver&FitMany Medicare Plans also offer a comprehensive Healthy Aging and Fitness Program. Members who are currently eligible for full access to the program Silver&Fitenrolling in a Medicare plan during the enrollment period, or through their Medicare plans. Medicare Open Enrollment Period from October 15 – December 7, can also take advantage of Silver&Fit’s newly expanded online, home-based and gym-based options designed to accommodate all levels of fitness and workout preferences. These features include:

* 1,700+ Digital Fitness Video.The Silver&FitAn online video library has a large selection of workout options. Members can create their own workouts such as cardio, strength and yoga.

* Kits for at-home fitnessThe following is for those who wish to make their own workouts at-home. Silver&FitThis program provides home fitness kits which can include an exercise DVD and a yoga pad, resistance band, dumbbells or wearable trackers.

* Live Telephone Coaching.Live coaching is available to help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your lifestyle.

* Access to social and community connectionsMembers of the Silver&FitProgram can access links to more 120,000 social groups, including classic car clubs and nature organizations. This resource encourages members of the community to connect via video chat or social media.

* In-Person Gym Access.Gyms will be allowed to open and members who feel like they can return to the gym can use their subsidized gym benefit. With the Silver&FitSeniors can choose from a national network of over 15,000 fitness centers, YMCAs and fitness studios.

To find out if your Medicare policy includes the, Silver&FitProgram, contact your healthcare plan or 1-800-MEDICARE.

Visit www.SilverandFit.comFor more information on the program, click here