Diabetes is a serious condition that impacts many West New Yorkers. Take a look at the statistics: people with diabetes are up to four times as likely to die of heart disease than those without it. Amputation rates people with diabetesThe rate of diabetes in people with the condition is 10 times greater than that for those without it. Finaly, in New York, $12.8 million was spent in 2006 for medical costs and lost productivity due to diabetes.

The P2 Collaborative of Western New York is an alliance of people who give, get and pay for care. They work to improve the quality of care and to help patients with diabetes understand their condition.

P2 Collaborative has a guide for people with diabetes that they have posted on their website. This guide contains tips that will help you become a partner in your doctor’s care. It’s simple to ask questions at your appointment if there are any questions or you have difficulty understanding a procedure.

What your doctor should do at every visit:

* Check your weight and blood pressure — which should be less than 130/80.

* Look at your feet.

* Develop an action plan to manage your diabetes.

What your doctor should do every three-to six months

* Give you an A1C test to check your blood sugar levels.

* Review your action plan.

Your doctor should visit you at least once per year

* Check your cholesterol levels.

* Check for problems with your kidneys.

* Schedule an eye exam.

Finding the right doctor for you and your family is the most important thing a patient can do. You can do this by reviewing doctor performance ratings. These ratings show which doctors offer high-quality care and follow nationally recognized guidelines for diabetes treatment. Western New Yorkers can visit Reaching for Excellence http://rx4excellence.org/diabetes/ to compare local doctors to find the one who works best for them and their families.