Many believe that the eyes are windows into the soul. Did you know that there are many eye diseases? age-related macular degenerationA higher risk of stroke or heart attack can be indicated by an “AMD” sign.
EyeCare America is a program of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology that raises awareness about AMD. “window to health”Through your eyes.
You might see black holes in the field of vision, instead of your family members, your garden, or your favorite book. AMD is a condition that affects over 10 million Americans. AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessel growth occurs under the eye’s Macula. This is where sharpest, most central vision occurs. AMD is the most common cause of vision impairment in people 65 years and older. AMD can be prevented, but not treated. This will allow you to have healthy vision for many years.
The same blood vessel damage could also indicate a risk of stroke or heart attack — up to 8-10 times higher. A study in Australia found that subjects with AMD had a greater chance of suffering a stroke or heart attack than those whose health was monitored for many years.
Patients can be alerted by eye exams to the possibility of developing other serious health issues.
EyeCare America provides free eye exams to seniors 65 years and older. It also offers online medication assistance. Nearly 7,000 volunteers provide eye exams in the United States and Puerto Rico.
You can visit the website if you are interested in this program. www.eyecareamerica.orgCheck to determine if you are eligible. You can check the organization’s online referral portal to see if your loved one is eligible to be matched up with a volunteer ophthalmologist.
EyeCare America is for U.S. citizens over the age of 65 or legal residents who have not seen an eye doctor in three years or more. Further information is available at