Constipation is often associated with IBS (irritable stool syndrome) or poor nutrition. But did you know that you can also become constipated in another way? This is a common mistake. cause of constipationIt is medicine.
Constipation may be caused by certain medications like opioids, anti-hypertensives (anti-Parkinson’s drugs), anti-hypertensives (anti-hypertensives), antidepressants and anti anxiety medications, duodenal medication and over the-the-counter iron supplements.
Your colon is the main waste elimination system in your body. It is highly efficient, but it can slow down at times. Constipation is caused by excess water absorption, slow contractions of the colon muscles and a slow stool movement. There are many things you can do to relieve constipation.
It is important to eat regular meals, and keep your mealtimes in line. Your digestive system could be affected if you eat fast or skip a meal. You need to take a look at what you eat and ensure that it is healthy. Bran, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies are all good options for high-fiber foods. Avoid foods high in fiber. Avoid milk, cheeses, meat, fatty foods, and refined sugar.
You must watch your diet and keep hydrated. Get enough water throughout the day and avoid consuming caffeinated or other alcoholic drinks. You must listen to your body, and allow time for your bowel movements so it becomes part of your daily routine. You should also exercise every day, but make sure to consult your doctor before you start a new exercise routine.
Senokot S Tablets can be used to treat occasional constipation that is caused by certain medications. Senokot-S Tablets are a combination of senna (natural vegetable laxative ingredient) and docusate salt, a stool softener.
You can visit the following website to help with occasional constipation. www.senokot.comFor more information, visit the Constipation Answer Center. Before you use the product, please ensure that you read all details.