You are not the only one who experiences joint pain. No matter how active you may be, joint problems are a common reason for doctor’s visits. They will also affect most people as they age. Registered Dietitian & Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Marie Spano says there is a lot you can do to help yourself, beginning with a healthy diet.

“What you eat can have a big impact on joint inflammation, cartilage breakdown and bone formation,”Spano. “There are many foods that not only help, but are also delicious and easy to find.”

Spano’s top joint-friendly grocery shopping list includes fatty fish like salmon, herring, anchovies. They are high in the omega-3 fatty acid DHA and EPA, which have antiinflammatory properties. In cell culture studies, EPA/DHA reduce cartilage breakdown. “Cartilage is like a sponge that cushions your joints, so make sure you’re taking care of it. These fatty acids can also improve symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and possibly decrease the need for anti-inflammatory medications,”Spano.

You can also take high-quality chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate supplements to nourish your joints. These two supplements have been shown to reduce the activity of enzymes that can damage healthy cartilage. “To help support your joint health, I recommend CosaminDS, which is the most researched glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplement on the market. It contains high-quality ingredients and a specific formulation shown in peer-reviewed studies to be effective for joint health management.”Spano cautions against the assumption that all supplements are made equal. “Be an informed consumer. Look for supplements like Cosamin that are backed by clinical research and certified by an independent third-party organization.”

The produce aisle is next on Spano’s grocery shopping trip. She suggests oranges, bell peppers and broccoli as well as other Vitamin C-rich foods like strawberries. “Vitamin C is necessary for repairing and maintaining cartilage. In population-based studies, those with higher Vitamin C intake had less severe osteoarthritis and cartilage breakdown.”

A well-balanced exercise program can help maintain joint mobility and weight control. An increased risk of developing joint problems can be caused by obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that two thirds of obese people may develop knee osteoarthritis. A loss of even one to two pounds can feel like 10 pounds on your joints.