Spring is a great time for you to begin your journey towards your health and wellbeing goals. Rose Kis can help you understand. Rose felt like so many other people and was frustrated with her weight loss efforts. She found many places to blame. “I gave up and resorted to being a failure,”Rose. Rose was able to focus on her daughter’s wedding preparations. Rose made her first attempt at weight loss.

Rose feels healthier today than she has for decades thanks to Nutrisystem. “Now I feel younger, I move quicker, sleep better and the aches… gone!”She says.

These are three easy tips to help you be happier and more healthy this spring.

Plan your day.
It is important to maintain a regular eating routine for good health. Cambridge University Press found that eating a consistent diet is good for your overall health. “arbitrarily”People who ate at irregular hours had higher blood sugar levels and cholesterol than people who ate regularly.

“It takes work to live a healthy lifestyle. But if you get yourself in the right routine, it will become second nature,” says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Manager, Clinical Research & Nutrition at Nutrisystem. “So commit to the work and embrace the routine. Set an exercise schedule, plan your meals, get enough sleep. Rinse and repeat. The more you transform your lifestyle with healthy habits, the easier it becomes.”

Take control of your portions
Many people overeat because they eat too often and eat too much. Nutrisystem’s portion-controlled meals are a great way to avoid overeating. Our digestive tract signals our brain to stop eating when our appetite is satisfied. There is a delay between when we’re satisfied with food and when the signal arrives at our brain.

Get moving.
Many people are not moving as much and prefer to stay put. Lack of exercise not only increases your likelihood of becoming obese, but also increases your chances of developing chronic diseases. It can also reduce your ability to relax and relieve stress.

“Thirty minutes of exercise every day is the goal,”McCormick adds “However, carving out that chunk of time doesn’t always happen. Ten minutes is much more manageable — and if you do it three times a day, you get the same health benefits.”

Rose, have you ever had a Nutrisystem weight loss success? Nutrisystem would love for you to share your success story. Nutrisystem wants to hear your story and be in the running for $40,000! Visit nutrisystemcontest.com. Visit for more inspiring stories and great tips. leaf.nutrisystem.com