()According to a survey of high school students in the United States, it doesn’t require a college degree to see that a four year education is not the best. Higher education costs are rising and students see the value of a career as a reason to pay more. “deciding factor in which college they attend or whether they end up going at all,”According to the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit College Savings Foundation.

This is the 10th annual survey. The highest percentage of 500 students polled (55%) said that they think about technical schools and careers schools the same way as traditional universities.

This is good news to technical schools (mostly transportation technology and repair), which had struggled to attract students.

“There is more computer code in today’s cars than there was used to put a man on the moon,”Jennifer Maher is chief executive officer at TechForce Foundation. This non-profit organization supports students in their studies and helps them to become successful professional technicians. “These are skilled, well-paying, technical jobs.”

Motor Authority says that a Ford GT contains more than 10 million lines of code, while the Ford F150 pickup boasts more than 150 millions. Comparing that with the shuttle’s primary flight program, which contains around 400,000 lines, it is easy to see why the industry needs skilled workers and the job security they provide.

According to the 2020 AutoCare FactBook, there were approximately 41,500 new jobs in the auto industry in 2018. The highest growth in average hourly earnings among technicians was in automotive repair and maintenance from 2009 to 2018.

There is more good news: As older technicians retire, the demand for skilled technicians increases. As technicians enter new industries, the demand for skilled technicians increases. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that between 2016 and 2026, the replacement rate and the growth rate will be 78,200 annually.

TechForce’s Public Relations Campaign “Because I’m a Tech,”Encourages technicians to share their success stories in skilled technician careers. Here are some of their comments “I bought my first house at age 27;” “I get to do something I love every day;” “I have a good work/life balance and have time for my hobbies.”

Tech Force offers a variety of services to help you achieve this goal. “Get Hands On” video contestThis is part of the current campaign.

You can see the benefits of a technical career here click here.

For many people who are able to think outside of the box and enjoy solving problems with their hands, technician jobs can be a great alternative. Technicians can start learning their skills within two years of graduating high school. They can also put those skills to work immediately without having to complete a four-year college degree.

TechForce’s FutureTech Roadmap to transportation technology careers highlights some of the qualities that make successful technicians. Parents and students can also identify these valuable skills through TechForce.

Middle School: Sixth- through eighth-graders who like to tinker and those who repair or design cars in the scouts contest may find it more rewarding to attend a technical school than a traditional college.

High School: The next great technician could be a high school student who builds and designs the sets for school plays. Many technician careers are ideal for students with ADHD. They learn best by doing hands-on work and don’t like long, tedious assignments.

Post-Secondary School for High School Graduates: Students who are passionate about science and technology may be able to launch rewarding careers by pursuing ASE-certified training. Future employers will pay more attention to techs who have earned certifications or degrees.

Visit www.transportationtechnician.com for more information on rewarding careers in this field. Techforce.org.