Snoring is a common part of daily life for many couples. Snoring is more than just a normal part of nightly life. It can also indicate serious health issues.

Snoring is when the soft tissues at the back of the throat relax so that they vibrate while you breathe. They can block your airway and cut off your breathing if they become too relaxed.

This condition is called “obstructive sleep apnea,” prevents quality sleep. Because the brain doesn’t want to starve, it wakes patients when they stop breathing. This can happen hundreds of times per night. The American Board of Internal Medicine states that between 50-60% of people who snore are suffering from sleep apnea.

Many patients don’t know they have the problem because they don’t remember ever waking up in the middle of the night. If you have snoring or excessive daytime sleepiness, sore throat, high blood pressure, or other symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

The following are risk factors for sleep disorder: Being overweight, having a large neck, or having a history of problems with your nose. American Sleep Apnea Association offers a quiz to help you identify your risk factors. “Snore Score,”Or the probability that you suffer from sleep apnea. Take the quiz at

Obstructive sleep apnea can be more than annoying. If you stop breathing, your heart beats more quickly, increasing blood pressure, and your chance of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Insufficient sleep can negatively impact your job performance, as well as your ability to perform basic functions like driving a vehicle.

There are many treatment options for sleep apnea. They range from lifestyle changes to breathing machines to surgery. Talking to your doctor about snoring can not only improve your life but it could also help your partner get a good nights sleep.

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