Many adults feel that investing in money and building a financial portfolio is a distant dream. This is because they don’t have enough assets or funds they will not need in the near future. Some adults feel the security but never the warmth. They are left with very few options in case of unexpected illness or retirement.

There may be an alternative source of investment assistance available. While traditional investment firms can refuse to work with clients who have less than $100,000 of assets, there are financial services available for those who have small amounts.

For example, SaveDailyIt is a private-label platform that allows banks, brokerages and other financial service providers the ability to provide high quality services to both small- and large-dollar investors. Investors can purchase shares in almost any mutual fund regardless if they have an income or are active.

SaveDaily allows account holders to invest with nationally recognized mutual funds without transaction fees or minimums. This allows modest investors to save money for retirement and other important life events.

Here are some investment tips from SaveDaily’s financial advisors:

* Know the risks associated with each type of investment. Before you invest, it is important to understand the risks involved. What happens if the value of your investment falls over time? What are the chances of losing what you’ve invested? Is there any chance of inflation or market risk?

* Organize finances between savings and investments. You might need to save money for unexpected expenses, such as car repairs and medical bills. Perhaps you are saving for a downpayment or a car. This money could be better invested than not. However, investments should be planned over a long time, with the majority of them going towards children’s education and retirement.

* Find a strategy for asset allocation. Most likely, you have heard this term. “portfolio diversification,”This means that your portfolio should include at least three types investment options, including cash, bonds and stocks. Asset allocation was responsible for 94% of all investment performance according to the Journal of Accountancy. While this strategy may change throughout your life, it is important to determine what percentage of your portfolio should consist of stocks and bonds.

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