()– Although sending the children to college does require letting go, it does not mean that you must disconnect, especially in terms of safety.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 4 million young adults are admitted to emergency rooms each year as a result of accidents, sexual assaults and other medical conditions.

Parents are looking for ways to protect their college students’ safety in these times of increased security concerns. Umergency can help.

Gail Schenbaum was the mother of a college-aged student who was called in the middle-of-the night by her daughter while she was being treated for partial paralysis. Ms. Schenbaum didn’t have emergency contact information for her daughter, the local hospital, police department or roommates.

Ms. Schenbaum was inspired by that experience to help college families in any safety or emergency situation. Umergency is available in the App Store as well as Google Play. It offers safety and security tools for parents, students, friends, and their families.

An Urgent Alert beacon, which notifies parents or other trusted contacts when immediate assistance is needed and pinpoints student’s GPS position, are key features.

An alternative side is an “I am safe”These contacts are notified by function when the student is in danger.

The app includes safety information for students at their school. Students can also enter data and select emergency contacts to whom they want to share it. Access to emergency contact information for local police, fire stations, emergency centres, and urgent care personnel is available, as are campus health services including psychological and other hotlines after-hours.

Other features include the ability for students to upload and share secure copies of their health insurance cards, as well as the digital medical consent form which allows medical staff to talk to the student’s trusted family members and give confidential information.

Although an app can be a valuable tool, it is not a replacement for having conversations about safety. Talking to your students about safety can help you set the tone for a safer college experience.

These questions can be used to start a conversation and get you started.

– Do students feel secure on campus?

– What safety procedures does the school have in place to handle a campus emergency?

– Does the school have regular drills to ensure its emergency preparedness?

How does the campus notify parents and students in an emergency situation?

– What kind of emergency facilities are available at campus, including mental health services.

Umergency is available free of charge to students in college in the United States. It costs $9.99 per annum or $19.99 for lifetime accessibility for parents, family members, and other non-students.

Go to for more information and to download the app. http://www.umergencyapp.com.