Celebrities who have suffered tragedy and wish to help others are often able to get a book published in a traditional publisher. Now, however, “everyday people”The same thing can be done. Publishing is now a powerful tool.

A professionally published book can be made possible by digital technology and print on demand. This is a great way to help others learn about a worthwhile cause.

Margarete Cassalina lost Jena to cystic Fibrosis in 2005. Her world was over. Cassalina recovered from depression and went on to recover. She discovered that she was not only capable of surviving but could also harness the power of absolute and true love. She literally went “from” to “beyond breathing”Living a fulfilling and purposeful lifestyle.

Cassalina published Cassalina’s book. “Beyond Breathing,”Through iUniverse, an imprint of Indie publisher Author Solutions. A film about her story currently in production. Sixty five percent of net book sales proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Indie publishing gives anyone the ability to publish a professional-designed book. The author retains complete control over all aspects of marketing, content and rights. You can order a book at any bookstore and sell it online for as low as $1000.

“I’ll never stop the fight to eradicate cystic fibrosis by spreading the word, speaking to groups and raising money,” says Cassalina. “The ability to publish a book and use it as a vehicle to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis has been invaluable.”

Reg Green’s world was turned upside-down when Nicholas, his son, was killed. The Nicholas Effect was published through Author Solutions’ imprint AuthorHouse. The book recounts his story and encourages organ donations. Nicholas saved seven lives through the donation of his organs. Green has sold tens to thousands of books and speaks frequently on the topic organ donation.

“I was able to expand awareness of the importance of organ donation and use my book as a tool to get in front of people and relay the story of how my beloved son saved the lives of so many,” says Green.

“Indie book publishing isn’t just about fulfilling literary dreams,”Keith Ogorek from Author Solutions. “A book is a powerful tool to educate and make the public aware of pressing social issues.”