Nearly 66,000 Americans will be diagnosed this year with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), a form of cancer of the lymphatic systems. Between 30-40 percent of these patients will also have indolent NHL. This is a slow-developing form of NHL that can be difficult to treat as patients are more likely to relapse following treatment.

There have been many advances in the treatment of NHL. A study published in Cancer recently showed that a chemotherapy called TREANDA, benendamustine HCl for Injection, produced durable responses in patients suffering from indolent B cell NHL. The treatment was administered to six patients who had received a therapy called rituximab.

This is great news for Eunice Kendall, a 65-year-old Arlington resident. Eunice noticed pain in her back in March 2008. She attributed it arthritis. She was referred to Dr. Sohail Akani, a medical-oncologist at Arlington Cancer Center. The results of a CAT scan showed that Eunice had indolent NHL-B-cells.

Dr. Akbani began aggressive treatment of Eunice. She used six cycles in a chemotherapy protocol called CHOP to treat her. Also, she added rituximab monoclonal antibodies and chemotherapy. After her July 2008 remission, Dr. Akbani started Eunice on a maintenance regimen of rituximab.

Eunice’s illness progressed despite the maintenance therapy. After consulting Eunice about treatment options, Dr. Akbani realized this in August 2009. He began a bentamustine-based therapy.

“When a patient is not responding to a certain therapy, we work to identify a treatment that may be the right choice,”Dr. Akbani. “Although Eunice was hesitant to receive chemotherapy again, I believed a bendamustine-based therapy would be an effective and tolerable option for her.”

Eunice experienced remission after receiving treatment with the bentamustine based therapy. Individual results will vary.

Eunice keeps her senses of humor and a positive outlook on life. She is extremely grateful for her health. She spends her days with her grandchildren, tending to her garden, cheering for the Dallas Cowboys and visiting friends and family.

“I’m only 65 years old,”She says. “I’ve got a lot of living left to do.”